This week being Valentine's week, the Diva challenges us to create art that is Valentine centered: hearts, red or pink, lacy, etc. first my heh "heart" wasn't in it, and this is what I made. It is from string 21
I used HeartBox, LoLo, Heart Strings, and Kisses.
but they weren't I put in some hearts of my own, and added those spirals. I actually call this one Ugly Heart Art...It just didn't speak to me...but...
I liked the spiral hearts so much, I made a piece based on it...
Spiral Heart. with a background of Caught...first spotted on Tickled to Tangle, in last week's Wednesday Wisdom Words. and...
Oh, how I love shading!
And, with the monotangle in mind, and having peeked around on Adele's site, I remembered her LG pattern. A new tile, filled up with LG
Some color on this one. Magenta centers, violet shading |
The little black dotty hearts to finish. Oh my GOODNESS, the shading!
And so i thought I was finished, until today. I got up to string 32
and when it came right to it, HeartBox called out my name.
I filled up the centers (that four corner area) with HeartBox...except I put the fourth one in a different corner. Put my trademark spirals (hee hee trademark hahaha) in the hearts. Then lines of hearts going up along the legs/arms of the 4
4 of Hearts string 32 |
It just turned out I put four hearts on each "limb" and that's when I named it. Four of Hearts. Then AND ONLY THEN, did I realize the string itself is a numeral four! ha! And if you're counting, I did put five on that bottom leg of the 4. what was I thinking!
So, Four of Hearts. And yes, the shading makes is SUPER cool. Turned out to be a fun challenge, after all.
and with that, I have a few more string tiles
Van Gogh is a Star string 20 |
Party in the Fabric Store string 23 |
Harmony string 31 |
Grotto string 26 |
Looking over my sketchbook, I've come to a conclusion. I like the pieces that use fewer patterns. A good monotangle, wow! And the simplicity of only two or three patterns makes a big difference.
However, if there is a piece that i like, with a lot of patterns, what appeals is a unity within. There should be a shape in common, or some kind of line that goes through the whole piece.
For instance,
this one has lots of patterns. Many more than I usually like. But I like this piece, and when I sat and tried to figure out why, it came to me: unity comes through in the black satiny ribbon that appears in the HeartRope, the Up&Across, and in Bunzo, and it is there in the ribbons on the very bottom. There is a unity of form in the black perlz, and the heart shape is repeated in HeartRope and Join.
Hypnotic repeats the bunzo curves, and undling takes the repetition to a whole new level. You also see the repeated lines in Meringue.
Hollibaugh, crosscro, and the rivulet pattern (I invented that, but haven't named it yet) provide variety and balance.
Overall, a pleasing piece that could have been overly busy, but unity and balance bring it around.