Friday, August 11, 2017

Tangling and Baby Holding to Save My Brain

Whew! what a week!

New job with daily trainings in COMPLETELY new software systems, almost a new system per day, and today, Friday, my day ended with my brain pretty much twitching.

So it felt really good to go through pictures to put in this blog post. Like this one:

quite worried!

 I *did* do quite a bit of tangling and enjoyed it so much. It is so needed now, more than ever before with this much higher energy, much more responsibility, job.

So, the Diva Challenge this week, care of guest blogger Suzanne Fluhr, was to use one of my absolute favorite tangles, Aloha, in a piece.

So, I played:

This is such a flowing, curvy, tropical tangle, as it should be, since it is based on a screen that Travel buff Suzanne saw in Hawaii.

I did some free form, and some inside squares, and played with perls and tipples and dots. Some thick lines, some thin, some smooth, some rough


possible tattoo ideas
for a co-worker

Well, in one swap bot exchange, an Australian tangler named Jane, sent me some papers that she had colored using Margaret Bremner's bio technique.

and with all the naturally curvy coloration here, I decided to use it for this challenge.

But first, here are pictures of grandkids:

 Like, my granddaughter Nodge (aka Nadia)...she is 7 going on 17, as you can see. Here, our girls day out, having a cone at Baskin-Robbins, looking like a movie star.

(btw, I also have a 14 year old. Grandchild. Yes. Young lil me, with a teenaged grandson. But I don't have his picture, due to his leaving the room when cameras get pointed. Aidan, whose name backwards is...NADIA, his little sister)
little chick a pet
and here Nodge is, chilling in the kiddy pool, up camping a couple weeks ago.

Oh! I made a feather the other night:

I could do this all day!

This is bracket feather, one of Helen Williams' patterns. I relaxed with it after work one evening this past week. aaahhhhh.

but wait, what about the baby!

 Did I post this picture already? but isn't it just the most beautiful Madonna ever? From baby's first week home.

Little snuggle buggle

And here he is, with his daddy, up camping. He got a tummy ache that weekend, and spent a lot of time being held belly down by everyone in camp.

GG (my mom) holding little fuss pants

Crumple Rose comfort
 Tangling in the evening has been a really good down time thing to do. Get my mind off the LITERALLY brain frying training at work.

Good Stuff.

I started with another comfort tangle, Mooka, and spent the evening filling a page.

Mooka, hollibaugh, rain, N'zeppel, tripoli, Printemps, fescu, cypresses, spirally stuff.

Okay, so what did I end up doing for the Diva Challenge, besides play around with Aloha?

 I wanted to maintain the exquisite coloring on this paper, so I kept the design light. Aloha, with some embellishments in the leaves, along with tipple and scruffle, some orbsladee and curvy stuff along the bottom, and a few drifts of that delicate pattern Tring.

Some Msst here and there. Some falling leaves. Curves galore...I LOVE the curvy Aloha!

and here's some more bebeh:

gee whiz, what a cutie!

He just turned three months old and more fun every day. I got to go over last Sunday and hold him pretty much all afternoon while his mom did housework and took a shower. And hung out, talking our faces off. What a pleasant day.

 Tricky little feller...fall asleep while being held and then wake up alert, calm, and cheerful the moment you put him down. 

 soooo...YaYa held him for the long nap...three hours, no lie, and wonderful every moment of it!

But I also held him for all the short naps, too. Little angoo baboo love bean!


  1. Aloha on this beautiful paper (have you tried it already? It's big fun) is great!

    1. I haven't tried the bio dyeing technique. Maybe this next week or two.

  2. Cute kids :-) and a lovely Aloha on a beautiful background!

  3. Thank you for sharing your lovely family pics;-) I love the babyfaces. Your artwork is, as usual, quite inspiring in it's exploration of Aloha. That eco-print paper is the perfect host for Aloha. I'm gonna have to do that. I'll warn you, once you try eco-dying paper, it'll be much like the tissue paper technique in terms of obsessive joy. Have a great week;-)

  4. Whew. With that training, I can understand why you needed some tangling this week. Thanks for your kind words about Aloha. Im glad you enjoy using it. An organic tangle on an organically prepared paper. Perfect.

    P.S. Your grandkids are adorbs. Between tangling and holding infants, your cortisol levels are probably in a good range, intense training notwithstanding.

  5. Great pictures and your Aloha on the paper is gorgeous.
